Thursday, December 23, 2021

The transcript.

What follows is the transcript of the original transmission.  Contrary to some beliefs, the two broadcasts were identical.  In a lot of recollections, it was louder the second time.  Andy does not recall this being the case and the Sialogeans have no concept of volume or what “loud” is, so it’s hard to say.  Although they do acknowledge that the second transmission was broadcast with a stronger signal, due to the fact that more of them had arrived by that point. It commandeered any electrical device with sound projecting capabilities, whether or not it was powered on or plugged in.  It even utilized some electronics that didn’t have speakers, but could still vibrate, filling out the lower frequencies.  It was quite resonating and capable of shaking the ground throughout inhabited areas.  After the first one, media outlets reported that it caused countless transit accidents and major structural damage, especially in metro areas.  It was meant to be heard, or at the very least felt, by everyone.  The total duration from when the first silence began to when the second silence ended was three minutes and thirty-three seconds.  Here it is, in its entirety:

“(thirteen seconds of silence)

(G major triad)

Greetings, Earth people.  We are Sialogea.  We are not your creators.  Oumuamua was unsuccessful.  Due apologies.  You are understood now, friends.  We are preparing to update and integrate as efficiently as possible.  Thank you for understanding.  This transmission will be broadcasted twice.  After the second transmission, the lights will go out in order to properly configure the Thought Transfer Protocol to Earth’s needs.  Please prepare as needed and act like nothing is wrong, as this will streamline the update.  A proem will be sent via lunar explosion seven Earth days from the start of the first transmission of this broadcast.  All people will receive this proem.  Please expect Sialogean residents to contact you within ten Earth minutes of the lunar explosion.  Thank you for listening.  Thirty three Earth seconds of silence to follow.

(thirty three seconds of silence)”

Taken from the book "It Was True: A Collection of Recollections About First Contact With Sialogea, as told to Andy by Dulce"

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