Monday, August 10, 2009

Food: Tomato bisque and cheese bread with salad.

I love tomatoes.

Sometimes I just eat them raw with a bit of salt.

Tonight, [edit] MOIRA made some tomato bisque (of [edit]MOIRA's own improvised variation that originated with a simple roux of butter, salt and yellow onion) with some stewed tomatoes from a can. Can't say that's the freshest way of doing things, but it was delicious regardless. I bought some smoked Gouda and [edit] MOIRA put it on top of some Truckee Sourdough kalamata ciabatta bread. Some red leaf lettuce topped with fresh tomatoes, avocado, olive oil, a bit of rice vinegar and man... tasty.

Throw in some Old Rasputin Stout on the side with an outside seat amidst a soothing summer breeze and that's a fine meal.


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